Please click on the category below that you would like to apply for. There is a separate application for each of the four categories. The applications can be downloaded as a fillable form that you can complete and electronically, save as a pdf , then print and submit by email to or by submitting a hard copy to the church office. Alternately you can print and fill the document in by hand and submit that copy to the church office.
Applications are due by February 15, 2025
These grants meet needs for Trinity's house of worship. These can include capital improvements or other building needs such as repairs and maintenance or minor enhancements. Examples of prior grants include technology upgrades, furniture replacement, landscaping and cement work. Applications must be reviewed and approved by the Property Committee before submission
Religious Education grants are for scholarships to promote religious careers or for educational opportunities that further an applicant’s religious goal. This could include workshops, seminars, short courses of study, or other educational opportunities that will further an applicant’s goal.
These grants extend Trinity’s ministry into our community, in Lindstrom to our synod and region.
Prior grants have supported outreach such as Meals on Wheels, Shobi’s Table, National
Alliance for Mental Illness, Humble Walk Lutheran Church and Community Meals.
These grants extend our stewardship touching lives around the world with efforts like Lutheran World Relief, ELCA World Hunger, Lutheran Global Refuge, Gideon International and, the Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.
Each year all members are encouraged prayerfully consider entities that would extend Trinity’s
stewardship and submit applications in these categories. Click on each to see the application for
that category.
Our mission is to CONNECT, GROW & SERVE with the love of Jesus Christ.
13025 Newell Ave, Lindstrom, MN 55045